Friday 20 January 2012

The Kids Are All Right Review

This was a good film, with the writing being some of the best I've seen EVER, but the plot has a lot of filler, and the most the characters do for the length of the movie is whine and whine and WHINE! So yeah, this movie can get very annoying at times, but it still has some great acting, great writing, and great direction. First let me explain the plot. It's about the children of two women of the same gender, as the children seek out the sperm donor. After that, it just shows the life of these people. It leads to lots of filler and very long and pointless scenes, where whining is mostly what the main characters do during these scenes. It gets boring after a while and really becomes a major flaw. So yeah, the plot is a little to simple, but what about the acting? Well, Moore, Ruffalo, Wasikowska, and Hutcherson all do well, but Bening steals the show. She delivers her lines very well and the relationship between her and her wife almost seems real. Look, I don't care that Portman really did well and that she was amazing in Black Swan, BENING DESERVED BEST ACTRESS. Also, the characters were pretty good, even though I felt Mark Ruffalo's character deserved a little bit more development and/or personality. Well, since I can't think of anything else to mention, I guess it's time for "The Best and Worst of The Kids are All Right". The best is obviously the writing. It's not over dramatic, in fact at times it seems comical, and it makes the movie seem more like an experience. The worst is, no doubt, the characters whiny attitude towards everything. "Oh, Paul said something egotistical, we should complain about it for the next 20 minutes to fill up time"! Enough said there. But seriously, this movie may have some major flaws, but does that mean you should skip out on it? No. The flaws are annoyances, sure, but the overall experience itself is memorable and enjoyable. Sure, it's not a great movie, but you will not forget the cleverness and experience of this film. I would recommend it to everybody that's both old enough and mature enough to watch it.



  1. This is my 7th most favorite movie of 2010 :D just love the performances so much !!! writing was good too and i thought it was one of the best movies on Family !!! this being a very modern one :D i liked it way too much, i gave it 5 stars :O

  2. Yeah, I can definitely see why you loved it so much, and even said I'd recommend it to everyone at the recommended age, even with the films flaws.
