Saturday 21 January 2012

Top 10 Movies of 2010

I know it's a little late, but hey, it's better late than never!

Honorable Mentions (No Order):

The Kings Speech:

Great Movie, but lacks anything extraordinary to make it on the list.

The Social Network:

Same thing as The Kings Speech, except it's not exactly timeless.

The Fighter:

The main character lacks personality, but the film itself is very enjoyable and well written.

10. Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster

A film with such great action and character development, this HAS to make the list!

9. The Illusionist

Well animated, and very mature, but with a sense of humor.

8. The Beast of Bottomless Lake

A brilliantly hilarious film, with one of the best endings of 2010.

7. Black Swan

Disturbingly elegant. Best two words to describe this movie right there.

6. Tron: Legacy

The most entertaining movie of the year, with a good story to go with it.

5. How to Train Your Dragon

Inspirational and with some great flying scenes. Also, an outstanding story.

4. Toy Story 3

The best animated movie this year. Great characters, great plot, so simple yet so dramatic.

3. 127 Hours

Very emotional and it all comes in at you at once. Danny Boyle, you done it again.

2. True Grit

One of the first westerns I've ever seen, and I loved it. Great action, great story, great performances, just all around awesome.

1. Inception

It's like The Matrix except way more fun, with way better characters and actors, and one of the best endings in the history of film. Ladies and gentlemen, Inception is our #1.

What movies do you think I missed?

1 comment:

  1. Here is my list of Top 20 movies of 2010 ... its Updated !!!

    glad to see movies like 127 hours and The Illusionist in the list !!!
