Wednesday 21 December 2011

Saving Private Ryan Review

I decided to watch this movie to see if it was better than the admittedly adequate "Thin Red Line", which came out the same year. In my opinion, this movie is WAY better. The acting is great, the action scenes were amazing, and the story was pretty good for a war film. This movie always keeps you on the edge of your seat as you're watching people get killed in horrendous ways. Actually, this entire movie is kinda a horror. Watching people die either slowly or instantly as you can do nothing to stop it. Its quite terrifying knowing that all of this actually happened. It makes the movie more gripping and intense, which is why I love Steven Spielberg's movies so much. Another thing that this movie did right, which "Thin Red Line" did wrong was the characters back stories. In "Thin Red Line", only one character has actual back story, and it sucks. Here, several characters have back stories, and they're all interesting. Enough comparing, let's talk about the experience as a whole, because it makes you feel as if you're in the war yourself. The camera angles, the horrendous sights and sounds (In a good way, if that makes sense), and the overall realism makes the movie feel as if a camera crew went into WW2 and just directed there. Yet, whats a movie without an awesome opening? Spielberg must have realized this because the Normandy sequence is outstanding and really well put together. I actually think if they just made the opening a feature length film, i'd still give this five stars. My only problem with the film is they risk the lives of 8 men to save one person. Well, isn't that kinda dumb to risk plenty of people to save one person who could even be dead, its just a little far fetched for me, but its still an unforgettable movie.


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