Thursday 8 December 2011

Batman Begins Review

I'm glad I watched "The Dark Knight" before this, cause this is pretty horrible. I mean, it's not the worst, nor is it the most overrated, but it has so many noticeable flaws, it took my out of the movie early on. The biggest flaw was the action scenes. The Dark Knight had great action scenes. They were quick, stylish, and entertaining. These action scenes are extreme close-ups with the camera shaking around like crazy! They're so horrible that I will go as far to say they're some of the worst of the entire 21 century! Also, the story. Half of it is just boring back story that everyone already knows, with little changed. It wastes time that we can spend learning new things about Batman and enjoy new experiences. Oh yeah, the acting and the characters suck. Nobody stood out at all, and the characters were bland and unlikable. That was a flaw in The Dark Knight too, but they made up for that with The Joker. This movie had The Scarecrow, who's actually undeveloped, and Ra's Al Ghul, who, let's face it, sucks. Now, with flaws, there has to be SOMETHING good about the movie, right? (That's actually not true for Manos: The Hands of Fate, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Vampire's Suck, The Shaggy Dog remake, Etc.) Well, Batman is pretty decent in this movie, and the special effects are pretty sweet. The story, even though it's really monotonous, is still Batman's back story, and it's pretty cool to say the least. The music score is pretty cool, and nothing really was god-awful, just bad. But that still doesn't make this a good movie. Oh, and if there's one thing I like more in this movie than anyone else, it was the batmobile. Sure, The Dark Knight's Batmobile was better, but I liked this one too. Overall, it's a below average superhero movie that tries to hard to be stylish and action packed at the same time, which it falls flat on it's face in both categories. Not recommended unless you're a die hard Batman fan.


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