Wednesday 21 December 2011

Vampires Suck Review

This movie is so horrible, there was only ONE GOOD JOKE in all of it, and this is a spoof of Twilight! The only good joke was the Count Chocula joke, but that's it. The only joke I laughed at was a cereal joke that lasted 3 SECONDS!!! It's jokes are forced and childish, the acting is unfunny, and after this was over, I had to take a shower to wipe away the uncleanliness this movie offers. It's like a bad Youtube video which uses swears and pointless, unsatisfactory jokes to get views. It's THAT BAD. Now, I never watched Twilight, but I bet you $20 it's better than this abomination. Just think about that for a second; A spoof being worse than the movie it's spoofing! Also, some of these jokes could have been funny, like the Jacob having to take off his shirt every 10 minutes, but it's the execution, as well as the bad actors that ruin the jokes all together. I feel as if it's trying so hard, yet it's acting as if it doesn't care what the audiences think, which is a bad mix. Sounding desperate while being rude just makes your bad movie worse. Plus, this movie's trying to take the "Family Guy" route by making fun of celebrities and T.V shows randomly (Also known as "Pop Cultural References"). Except in Family Guy, the show's still good. Here, it just brings a movie to an even bigger low. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Yeah, but you should expect that, with it making fun of Twilight and all". Yeah, but just cause it spoofs one movie, doesn't mean you have to make fun of EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD. (Wow, I'm getting angrier by the second.) Please, PLEASE don't watch this movie. It's horrible beyond all accounts. Now, to finish off with a pun that everyone used on this movie at least once, "This movie SUCKS."


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