Thursday 8 December 2011

Indiana Jones Trilogy Review

With me watching "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" very soon, I might as well express my opinion on the original Indiana Jones Trilogy:

Raiders of the Lost Ark:

Great characters, a great story, and just an overall awesome adventure are the reasons this movie leaves other adventure movies in the dust. What I like most is the fact that it's fantasy, yet realistic fantasy. Most to all of the scenes are over the top, but believable, so it doesn't feel fake. It also has quite the comedic relief. Indiana is really funny, and so is his sidekick, Marion. It's basically a movie you can't explain in a review, it's something you need to watch. Another thing I like is Indiana is this amazing adventurer, but he also has fears, which when he conquers him, you feel a great sense of accomplishment, as if you helped him conquer his fear. Well, since I can't keep constantly saying "Another thing I like", I'll just say the things I dislike to get you ready. First, like I said before, it's a little over the top, but the good thing about that is if it wasn't over the top, it wouldn't be as exciting or interesting. Second, the traps Indy often has to face are pretty under done, don't you think? Like at the beginning, he has to run away from a boulder, but why don't the trap makers just make the boulder block Indy's way out? He can't move it as it's like 500 pounds or more, so why not? Besides that, I can't think of much. Oh, and if you hate the villain, don't worry, he suffers probably the worst karma in history. Overall, it's not entirely realistic, but it's definitely a lot of fun.


Temple of Doom:

After watching the excellent "Raiders of the Lost Ark", I was very excited for this movie, even though it was the lowest rated film out of the first three Indiana Jones movies. Unfortunately, this movie did not reach my expectations, and I'm here to explain why. First of all, "Raiders" had a mix of puzzles and action in the adventure. Here, it's mostly just puzzles. Not that I don't like the puzzles, but I like the action more, and since this movie has little of it, it can get very boring, very fast. Second, the sidekicks. I don't know if you agree, but the sidekick in the first movie was awesome. She was smart, enjoyable, and an asset to Indy. Here, however, are two screaming idiots who barely help out Indy AT ALL, and when they do, they're the reason Indy got into the mess in the first place! The first sidekick is Shortround, who screams every one of his lines, and comes up with just idiotic things to say. Well, at least he helps Indy once or twice, unlike the second sidekick, Willie. She just screams about breaking and nails and almost leaves Indy to die because of some insects. I know Indy can't do all of his adventures without a bit of help, but the sidekicks are no help at all! Finally, something i really liked in "Raiders" was it was realistic fantasy. What that means is it's over the top, but it might happen in real life. This however, has no realism, from falling from the sky on a raft, landing perfectly fine, surviving the trip down the hill, go off a cliff into some rapids, and somehow surviving all that without a scratch is just stupid. Even with those faults however, it's still a decent movie. Indy's awesome, the atmosphere is great, and it even has Indy escape from psychological enslavement. Now THAT'S awesome! But, if you didn't like Raiders, don't give this one a try. It's way worse.


Last Crusade:

This is an excellent movie, definitely my favorite of the original trilogy, and I think I know why. Raiders was about both action and puzzles, which was cool, but the puzzles were not that good and the traps were not as good as they could have been. Temple of Doom had mostly puzzles, which slowed down the movie for me, and the puzzles, as well as the traps were slow and almost pointless. This has just action, and good, fast action too. I was never bored with slow moving traps or lame puzzles that required you to be "very careful", which leaves the watcher time to get bored, but that's not what this films about. Also, the went with the Raiders style of realistic fantasy instead of it being unrealistic. Also, it has some great comedic relief, like Sean Connery as Indy's dad, who has an awesome accent and plus, Indiana Jones and James Bond... TOGETHER? That just spells fun. One thing I don't get though is the ending. *SPOILER!* O.K, Dr. Schneider falls to her doom (Which is pretty risky, but cool that one of the sidekicks actually dies) and Indy's dad drinks the liquid to help him live forever, and Indy did as well earlier, but doesn't that mean, you know, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was kinda, I don't know, pointless? Who cares if you get nuked in the next movie Indy, you'll live forever, so who cares? But I guess there's an explanation in the next film, so I shouldn't worry. Besides that, there aren't many flaws, except one or two scenes are unrealistic, but it's not much of a bother. So, if you liked the first film, you'll love this. If you loved the second film, I'm not so sure, but it's definitely worthy a rent for everyone.
