Thursday 8 December 2011

Moon Review

This is as confusing as "Inception", and just as good. Sam Rockwell did amazing, the story is interesting, the characters are likable, it's just plain awesome. It's confusing, but in the end, most things wrap up. Nothing is "Unrealistically Artsy" like in 2001, it's confusing, but if you understand the plot, everything makes sense and there are few plot holes. Just the fact that this movie didn't get nominated for an Oscar is horrible. This movie was better than "The Hurt Locker", "District 9", and almost as good as "Avatar", so why not? Well, you can't always agree with the Oscars, preferably Gladiator and Cavalcade (Never heard of it? Good). My only problem with the movie is not everything is explained in a decent fashion. You have to watch it several times to piece everything together. Just the fact that you have to watch a movie a second time just to understand everything is a little much. I didn't have to do that with Inception or The Matrix, as they explained everything you needed to know in a short time. Every character, the few there are, are pretty much likable. They're not the best, but you relate with them and you feel there pain. Oh, and Gerty. Gerty is this decade's Hal 9000, except mobile, more likable, and not INSANE. But still, I prefer Hal 9000, because he's unpredictable, and he can be kind at times. He's voiced by Kevin Spacey, who really didn't do that bad. This helped Sci-Fi a lot, even though it won't be remember at the Academy Awards. It's better than 2001, and that's saying a lot, as 2001 MADE Sci-Fi popular. But Moon just did better with the genre. Very little flaws, Moon is one of the best Sci-Fi films of the Twenty First Century. I would recommend it to Science Fiction fans and people who enjoyed 2001: A Space Odyssey, as it's very similar. It's just amazing.


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