Friday, 9 December 2011

The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring Review

Epic. That's the first word that comes to mind when I hear of this movie, and for good reason, it's brilliant! Now, from my past experience from Peter Jackson, I wasn't sure if this would be good or not. King Kong (The Remake) was O.K, but had plenty of flaws, and District 9 was good, but also had to many flaws to be a excellent film, so I thought this was gonna be a little underwhelming. Boy, was I wrong. It's a very enjoyable and adventurous film that has little to no flaws. As a matter of fact, I found 3 critics who gave this movie bad reviews, and I'm going to explain how this movie is good to them. Yes, I will deny critics, that's how much I love this movie (You know, I should have done this with Star Wars. Oh, well.). First, Richard Roeper, the only one I know of the 3 critics, and is pretty good at reviewing movies, said "It goes on forever". Well, if you hate movies that go on forever, you probably hate Titanic, or The Godfather, or even Lawrence of Arabia! Fact is, run time makes movies better, unless the movie is boring, but this movie has excellent dilemmas that keep MOST PEOPLE interested the whole way through. Next, Peter Rainer say's this this movie is "Overkill". Well, it's definitely over dramatic at times, but those scenes last less than a minute, and they don't affect the movie to much. Finally, Jonathan Rosenbaum didn't like the narrative or the action scenes. Well, the narrative was short and sweet, with no confusing points. I don't think that annoyed anyone else besides you. Also, the action scenes are short, realistic, and entertaining, I don't see how you could have been bored by them. There, I love this movie so much, I denied critics opinions. How many movies can make you do that? Almost none, and that's why this movie rocks. Well, I should talk about the individual stuff now, considering I do it in almost every review and, hey, why not change tradition right? The acting was excellent, the story was superb, the cinematography is in a league of it's own, and the special effects are tremendous. I can't even bring myself to compare this movie to anything, it's entirely unique. Probably one of the best films of the century.


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