Wednesday 7 December 2011

Joyeux Noel (Merry Christmas) Review

When war movies aren't done perfectly, they REALLY annoy me, and this movie is no exception. It can get really boring at times, the characters are mediocre, the action scenes aren't anything new, and the Christmas aspect of it is only adequate, as there's little atmosphere or lead up to it. It just left a bad taste in my mouth. That being said, I do respect this movie and everything it accomplishes. The cinematography is breathtaking, the special effects are great, it has great respect for the three countries it depicts, the peace aspect is well done, and the acting is pretty decent. But just because the film does plenty of things right, doesn't mean it's a good movie, and this movie shows that. You find yourself almost falling asleep as the film just feels incredibly bland, and you have no interest to most of the character, as they have little development, personality, or both. The story also seems bland at times, with cliched dialogue, slightly interesting side-plots, and only one unique dilemma. The only reason I watched this movie was because the famous internet reviewer, Doug Walker, called it one of the most underrated films ever, but I just don't see "Underrated" plastered all over this film, I just see decency, nothing more, nothing less. Now, this IS a Christmas film, so the question should be asked: "If I see this film on TV or at the store near Christmas, should I watch it"? The answer: Maybe. If you can get over the minor violence and the fact that this has nothing to do with either Santa Claus or Jesus Christ, I'd say you should probably watch it. Oh, and if you don't celebrate Christmas, you should probably skip this one. I know it's a no brainer, but it mentions Christmas a lot, so even if it seems like your type of movie, you should really consider if you'll be annoyed by the constant talk about Christmas. So, anybody who likes Christmas films with plenty of meaning, definitely check this one out, but anyone else, you'll have to think about it for a while. The film's more about the meaning of Christmas then the story of Christmas, so if you can handle that, you might enjoy this film. Overall: It's a decent Christmas film, worthy of a watch, but only on TV, so you don't spend money on it.


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