Friday 9 December 2011

Roundhay Garden Scene Review (The First Motion Picture Ever)

This is a film that's only 3 seconds long, but it was the introduction to the art of motion picture. It's weird reviewing this, cause it's basically reviewing every singe film in history. Just think, without this, there would be no Star Wars, no Lord of the Rings, no The Shawshank Redemption, no movies at all. That's why this is so excellent, it's not about special effects, acting, or story, it's about the back story, and his movie has some of the most amazing back story in history or cinema. Also, without this, there would be no T.V shows. No The Simpsons, no Family Guy, no Seinfeld, no anything. Anyone who doesn't like this, doesn't like any motion picture in all of history, so while watching an excellent movie, think of this. Well, there's not much more I can talk about, it's just an amazing thing in general that's probably better than most films in history, because without this, those movies wouldn't exist. It's only 3 seconds, but those 3 seconds would end up being the actual reason for every moving picture ever.


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