Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Hurt Locker Review

All this movie is is disabling bombs and grinding enemies. I'm sorry, I just spoiled the movie for you. Yet, this movie, with a plot worth only 10 words beat Avatar for best picture??? The first thing I have to mention is the cinematography. It sucked. It's not that I have anything against women or Kathryn Bigelow, but didn't she ever hear of a tri-pod? The camera moved around so much, I couldn't see the main characters half the time. Secondly, I have sort of a deal with war films. The film has either got to have great action or a great story, and then I'll at least I'll call the movie "O.K", like I did with "The Thin Red Line" because the action was great, even though the story sucked, so I gave it 2 and a half stars. This however, has a boring story and almost no action scenes, which made the movie extremely boring and sometimes even stupid because the plot line didn't even exist half the time. You know what? There are to many bad things to mention, so I'll just mention the only two things this movie actually did right. Firstly, the tension was pretty good, to bad you didn't care about the characters so you didn't even enjoy the tension much, but I appreciate how you know they tried. Secondly, the ending was pretty unique and likable, even though it was a little unsatisfying. Besides that, everything else was either mediocre or worse. To prove it, I'll mention everything. The acting was mediocre, you don't care for the characters because you don't know much about them, the dialogue was god awful, the special effects were good, but could have been improved, like when someone was shot, and the movie itself is drawn out and boring. You should not see this movie unless you like long, boring scenes of bombs being disabled.


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