Monday 12 December 2011

Titanic (1997 Film) Review

I always wondered what this movie was like. Critics said it was good while viewers thought it was either the best thing ever or extremely overrated. When I was a kid, I thought it was good, but I never watched it all, I just watched the sinking. Now that I'm a lot older, I can say it's an awesome movie. Call me a fan boy, I know people always insult the movie, as well as it's fan base, but I found it as a very enjoyable movie. Instead of just saying the things I liked and disliked however, I'm going to discuss the most popular, and sometimes most ridiculed, things in this movie. First, the romance. Some people say it's awesome, some say it's horrible and fake. I thought it was good. I cared for Rose and Jack and the actors (Which, by the way, are played by awesome actors) did really well. My only problem with the romance is that it seemed doomed from the start. What I mean is they act like every day is their last, and they're over-dramatic about everything. They're very enjoyable however, and you feel really worried when the boat is actually sinking (It's not a spoiler unless you're not in school). Next, the special effects. This is a no brainer. The special effects are outstanding. I think it's because the CGI is just a detail and not shoved into your face as much, unlike James Cameron's other movie, Avatar, which otherwise is an awesome movie. Next, something that only lasts less than 20 seconds, yet has been known as both an awesome moment and a over-dramatic mess. Yes, I'm talking about "I'm The King Of The World!". This is the most discussed quotation I've ever heard and my life, and I just have to mention it here. Let me just make it quick so I don't talk about one line of dialogue throughout the whole review, it's cheesy, but in my opinion, acceptable. Finally, the actually movie itself (Finally!). The acting is great, the story is great, even though it's half fact, half fiction, and the characters are mixed. Some are likable, others, not. Overall; it's a great movie that has a fault of two, like those snooty idiot characters who don't even die, or there are one of two pointless scenes, but it's still an enjoyable and all around great movie.


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