Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Wizard of Oz (1939 Film) Review

Have you ever wondered what a new generation would think of this movie? Well, you came to the right place. As a young teenager, whenever I ask a person my age if they watched it, I always received the same response; "It sucks". Well, I just watched it for myself, and let me just say it doesn't suck. It's great. The characters are legendary, the acting is amazing, and the story is very entertaining. Now, I know what you're thinking; "If you liked it so much, why didn't you give it 5 stars?". Well, there are some flaws, both major and minor, that bring this movie a little lower than I expected. Firstly, all the songs haven't aged well. The lyrics are primitive and strange, and it kinda makes the movie less likable. The only exception is "Over the Rainbow", which is an amazing song. Another flaw is editing. Sometimes it's done excellently, other times, not. For example, after the group get's the witch's broomstick, they don't show the long boring trek to get back to the wizard, they just skip to when they get to the wizard. That's excellent. But, other times they just screw it up. For example, you don't have any idea how long the trip to the Emerald City takes. They always just edit to something important, which, sure, makes the movie less boring, but you don't feel like you're going on the adventure with the friends. If they made the trip longer, with some dialogue thrown in to make it less boring, you could have actually felt as if you were going on the trip. If these flaws didn't exist, this would've been a 5 star film, but that isn't so, but even with those flaws, it's still a great movie, really deserving more recognition from people my age. Before I end this review, let me just say if you knew that every main character in this movie was dead (I say "Main Characters" because 3 munchkins are still alive), it makes the movie very surreal to watch. Try it for yourself, it's weird.


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