Sunday 11 December 2011

The Matrix Review

I was really looking forward to this movie because of it's story, that our world is a hoax, and that you were imprisoned in virtual reality. That sounded like the best thing ever, a mind blower that won't stop. This movie did not deliver on my expectations however, and I felt ripped off. The movie is good though, it just didn't meet my expectations, and I think I know why. The main character, Neo, is the main focus in this whole movie, and he's played by the overrated hack, Keanu Reeves, and because of that, the character becomes less interesting, so much so that you don't care about the story because it focuses almost all it's attention on Neo. By the way, I do not know Reeves in real life, and he probably a nice guy in real life, it's just his acting is so bland, boring, wooden, and unlikable, you have to complain. Of course, there are good things, like the story is good, even if it does focus on you-know-who, and the action scenes are superb as well as the special effects. Also, Morpheus is pretty cool, being cool, yet you can tell he has emotion. So, if Morpheus could be twelve times better than Neo, WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST FOCUS THE WHOLE STORY ON MORPHEUS??? Sorry, I'm a little mad after having to watch this after "Titanic" which is a pretty excellent film. I have to give this film credit though, because without this, Christopher Nolan probably wouldn't have gotten inspired to make "Inception", but I feel this movie could have been done better, without Reeves.


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