Thursday 15 December 2011

My Reaction To Golden Globe Nominations

(Opinions come from trailers, film viewings, critic responses, and influences that cause me to consider something good or bad)

Best Drama:
Pros: Moneyball and The Descendants were good choices, and I hope one of them win. Also, Hugo was a nice surprise.
Cons: The Ides of March should have been snubbed if The Descendants was nominated, as both star George Clooney, The Help isn't as well reviewed as many other films of the year, and War Horse probably should have been ignored because of it's late release date, as it might not be as good as expected.

Best Musical or Comedy:
Pros: Everything.
Cons: Nothing.

Best Dramatic Actor:
Pros: Clooney, Dicaprio, Fassbender, and Pitt are good choices.
Cons: Gosling probably should have been replaced with someone else.

Best Dramatic Actress:
Pros: Davis, Mara, Streep, and Swinton are excellent choices.
Cons: Close was a huge shock for me and probably shouldn't be in this.

Best Actor in Musical/Comedy:
Pros: Dujardin and Gordon-Levitt were nice choices.
Cons: Wilson and Gosling were OK choices, but I think several people could have replaced them, and Gleeson was another shock, except not as painful as Close for Dramatic actress.

Best Actress in Musical/Comedy:
Pros: Williams definitely was expected, but Wiig, Theron, and Winslet were nice surprises.
Cons: Foster shouldn't be nominated along with another actress from the same film.

Supporting Actor:
Pros: Hill, Mortensen, and Plummer are good choices.
Cons: Brooks and Branagh I feel aren't as good choices as I would've expect, as they're overcome easily by the main actors.

Supporting Actress:
Pros: Bejo and Woodley are good picks.
Cons: Only one supporting actress from The Help should be nominated to give other actresses a chance at nominations, and Mcteer should have been ignored.

Best Director:
Pros: Everything.
Cons: Clooney's nomination is a little questionable, but not argue worthy.

Best Screenplay:

Best Original Score:
Pros: Everything.
Cons: Some weird feelings about W.E, but I'll let it slide.

Best Original Song:
Pros: Hello, Hello definitely never got snubbed, and The Living Proof and Masterpiece are worthy of nomination too.
Cons: The Keeper and Keep your Head Down are not the best to be nominated.

Best Animated Film:
Pros: Tintin, Arthur Christmas, Puss in Boots, and Rango were good choices.
Cons: Cars 2 over Rio? One second, comparison time:
Cars 2: 38% of Critics liked it.
Rio: 71% of Critics liked it.
Yup, that was a mistake.

Best Foreign Film:
Pros: Everything.
Cons: If Once Upon a Time in Anatolia could be nominated, that be fine with me.

Well, what do you think?



  1. i liked The Ides Of March it was a nice movie but it got some more than expected love here .... and i miss McCarthy here too !!! i honestly didn't liked Albert Nobbs at all but McTeer was fabulous and somewhat Close too but there performances is seriously effected by the bad quality of the movie itself.

  2. Yeah, I took that into account, because it's hard for a performance to still be perfect if the movie itself is bad.

  3. Oh, and I got twitter. I followed you, so it might not be hard to find me. :P
