Tuesday 13 December 2011

Pop Culture Questions Answered

Inspired by a pretty unknown, but funny Youtube user who did the exact same thing, but only with movies and in a comedic tone. Nothing wrong with that, the video was hilarious, but what if this type of thing actually existed, in serious tone? It might, but I never heard of it, and MY BLOG IS CALLED POP CULTURAL OPINIONS. I'll be doing movies, TV shows, songs, everything, just leave your questions in the comments below, and I almost guarantee I'll answer them, whether in a edit of this blog (If it's been edited, I'll call it Version 2, 3, 4, etc, or V.2, V.3, etc), or in another blog post entirely. So, let's begin:

In "The Wizard of Oz", where does the Red Brick Road lead to?

If you watch the movie with an open eye, you'll notice the carriage Dorothy rides in follows the red brick road. The road ends up at the "Munchkin City Hall".

The Shawshank Redemption is dedicated to Allen Greene. Who's that? 

Frank Darabont's agent and close friend. He died because of the AIDS complications.

Why hasn't Animaniacs come back for the 100th episode?

Several reasons, but the biggest reason has to be the death of the main composer for the show, Richard Stone, 2 years after the movie and 3 years after the show ended.

Can I audition for Avatar 2 & 3?

A huge cast is expected, and unknown newcomers are expected for this film. Auditions are supposedly already began, but it's hard to find info. If I find more info, I'll post it sometime.

When do the Star Wars movies take place, the future or past?

The past, as indicated by the picture above.

How did the Doomsday device actually work in Dr. Strangelove?

It was how Russia was going to prevent a nuclear attack. The device was hooked up to enough bombs to end up destroying life on earth. It was also unstoppable. Russia made it to prevent other countries from attack Russia, in fear the device would destroy the world. Russia, however, kept it a secret, so no one knew about the device itself, so no one knew that their attacks could be deadly, and with that huge bomb being dropped, it set off the device, almost immediately after Dr. Strangelove says the last words of the film.

Why isn't Robin in the new Batman films?

Christopher Nolan said Robin is "In a crib, out there somewhere", as Nolan is depicting the early Batman, before Robin came aboard. 

If you have any questions for me about anything pop culture, leave it in the comments!


  1. You my friend are doing excellent job with your reviews and everything .... i am so caught up in the Awards season that i am unable to write reviews :( i made a whole list of every winner or nominated movies and actors etc of this whole year, will post it soon. My blog is filled with all the awards winners as you can see .... (Oscars Addiction) :P

  2. I agree, finding info for every different award for every different ceremony (Oscars, Razzies, etc.), it's hard to post reviews, but I managed to put up several reviews and write a new one in the past 2 weeks. I'll be sure to check out the new stuff on your blog! :)
