Tuesday 13 December 2011

Donnie Darko Review

This movie is weird, unrealistic, and involves a talking animal. Usually, those are the three things I hate most in a movie, (Even though The Lion King involved all of these things, yet was still awesome) but this is definitely one of the most creative, freaky, and surreal movies I've ever seen. I think the thing I liked most is the fact that it's trying to give it a horror movie feel without actually being a horror film, except without any of the "shock" type of horror. I love that because I hate shock horror. It always gets you when you least expect and it's being frightened isn't the same, or as fun as being actually scared. Another amazing thing about this movie is Jake Gyllenhaal as Donnie Darko, as I think it was one of the greatest performances I've ever seen in a Sci-Fi Film. No, better yet, It's one of the best I've seen EVER. It's up there with Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump or Christopher Lloyd as "Doc" Brown. Whenever he needs to emote an emotion, such as happiness, sadness, scared, bored, etc, he does it with ease. When I watched this movie, I didn't see Jake, I saw Donnie. The supporting actors also did really well, sometimes they had a minor encounter when they didn't act like they should have, but they still did very well. *SPOILER!!* Now, I think I should discuss the ending, as it's different in the DVD release. On the version I saw, it ends with Donnie going back in time and getting crushed by the jet plane engine, afterwards, Gretchen talks to a neighbor about what happened. I later figured out that was an alternate scene for the DVD, with the real ending being the scene before it, with the mother and the daughter being on a plane and the engine fell off, going back in time. I would definitely prefer the DVD version because it's more clear, more rewarding, and more memorable. If you get the chance, get this movie on DVD or Blu-Ray. You wont regret it.


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