Tuesday 13 December 2011

Forrest Gump Review

Before I watched this movie, I thought to myself "I'm finally going to see how this beat The Shawshank Redemption for best picture of '94".Well, it's not as good as The Shawshank Redemption, but it's pretty dang close. I think the thing I liked most is how many stories it actually has. It's about a guy who is very unintelligent, yet has a pretty eventful and amazing life, and the best thing about it is the character, Forrest, doesn't even realize how awesome his life is. He becomes a war veteran, a shrimp boat captain, a millionaire, a husband, a footballer, a table tennis player, and more. Somehow, it seems sort of realistic, I guess it's the fact it explained in great detail how he did all those things, even if it was a little goofy. The thing I like the most about this movie is how long it is. I was very well intrigued by the story and I thought "It's gonna be over soon, right? All good movies end at around this point in the plot", yet I saw there was more than an hour left in the movie! Also, another great thing is when different people come on the bench Gump is talking on. You actually learn their personality just by how they act while listening (Or not listening) to Gump's story. Imagine, those characters could have had a movie like personality. It's kinda like if Joel Barrish stopped at the bus stop. They don't act awesome, they just are. Anyways, back to the actual movie and not just rambling, the only major flaw is definitely that it doesn't take itself seriously, like it's trying to be silly during the war in Vietnam. Other than that though, it's still an excellent movie, goofy or not.


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