Tuesday 13 December 2011

District 9 Review

This is a good movie, but I felt as if it didn't execute as much as I expected. I think the thing I disliked the most was how they depict man. This movie depicts man as rude, unintelligent freaks who love violence, especially on the aliens. If I had to pick Humans or Aliens, I defiantly go with the aliens because sure, they're violent sometimes, but they don't often look for trouble and they're actually quite likable. Now, lets get the main things out of the way, the acting was decent, the story was pretty good, and the way they treat the moral is O.K at best. I think the thing that they do the best is the cinematography. Sure, it's a little cliched, but I always loved the documentary style of camera work in Sci-Fi films. That style appears both in the beginning and the end of the film and I think it's done well. Another thing I liked was the chemistry between the adult alien and the child alien. I know that sounds stupid, but trust me, it's pretty entertaining and heart warming. Also, the main human character gets infected and starts turning into an alien. It's actually pretty depressing if you think about it long enough, which is good for this movie. This definitely isn't movie of the year, but I still think it's a pretty good alien movie.


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