Friday 9 December 2011

127 Hours Review

If you don't mind a character being on camera for the entire run time, you'll adore this movie and what it offers. Let me first say that if you think Slumdog Millionaire is overrated like many people, don't worry, this is Boyle's best and differs a lot from his past Oscar nominated film. James Franco is one of the only main actors in the movie, and he's amazing. He's enjoyable, likable and he makes this movie what it is. It's not very big, and not very epic, but for what it is, it's tremendous. To tell you the truth, the whole movie depends on if you like the character or not. He's a jerk at times, but funny and enjoyable. If you don't like Franco or while watching the movie and you hate the character, turn the movie off PRONTO! But if you like the character, you'll be in for a wonderful and at times, scary, experience. The supporting actors are only on the camera for a short time, and they're pretty good. They're not anything special, but they're enjoyable for he short time they're in there. The movie takes a trip into the feelings of the main character, and done so well, the climax hurts me every time I watch it, like I'M cutting off my arm, and that makes the movie amazing. Overall, it's something you wont forget. Comparison: Johnny Got His Gun. DVD: Buy It.


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