Thursday 8 December 2011

On The Waterfront Review

When discussing the best boxing film in history, people like to bring up Rocky, Raging Bull, and The Fighter, but to me, On the Waterfront is one you have to mention when talking about boxing films, and how can't you? It's written amazingly, has some great performances, dramatic moments, a unique premise, likable characters, and just a great all around experience. It's kinda hard to explain everything good about the movie, as there are little flaws to mention, and everything in the movie is good, so I can't explain why every single thing in this movie is good, because that would take to long, so I'll just say the things that are really worth mentioning. The acting was great, with most people bringing up Marlon Brando's performance, who did really well in my opinion, but he actually get's upstaged by the female lead! I'm not entirely sure of her name, but let me just say she did outstanding. Don't get me wrong, Marlon Brando did some of the best work in film history, but so did the female lead. The second thing I should bring up is this is one of the two Marlon Brando mob movies I know of, the other being The Godfather. I'm surprised that movie is twice as popular as this. I never seen The Godfather, and it's probably the greatest movie of all time, but don't just ignore this film for that reason! The third thing that should be mentioned, which is probably the only flaw with the film, it seems a little over the top at times. But it's not that big a flaw when you remember that Rocky was extremely cheesy as well. Now, for the absolute best thing about this movie, the thing that brings this movie past hundreds of other movies: The dialogue. Every word that's spoken is spoken with grace, but also with realism. No wrong sentence is spoken. No wrong word, no mistakes, nothing wrong with anything, the dialogue is some of the best ever spoken in film history. Finally, the last thing that's worth mentioning is if you're going to watch this movie, be warned, it can be confusing at times. The actors often look similar, the plot is often confusing, and the ending leaves a couple questions unanswered, but even with that, the movie is still one of the greatest, especially the dialogue and the acting. Overall, it's a movie anybody can enjoy, and has little flaws, and the little flaws it has, even less are easily noticeable. I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't mind black & white films, because I know how many people in their teenage years who won't even bother with these movies, I just with they could experience something as good as this.


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