Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Last Emperor Review

This movie focuses so much on it's main character and it's beautiful set designs, that it forgets all about emotion, care, and story. Yes, it's very beautiful to look at, and the trailer is great, but it doesn't have enough story or interesting characters to fit it's HORRIBLE run time! Now, let me just say, I wasn't very excited to see this (Not just because of my deep hatred for the Chinese government). It looked over long, and with a child on the poster, I felt it would have a horrible child actor for the entire movie. Well, I was half right. The child scenes were actually sort of cool, but again, the story was just floating around the movie, making up conflicts as it just trudged on, never caring if you actually liked it or not. It just felt really loose and disjointed. Also, maybe it's just me but... Wouldn't this work as a Dreamworks animated film? Just take out the adult themes, and there we go, ready to ship out. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I could totally see it with a "Prince of Egypt" look, with a decent budget, but not high enough for Disney standards. Just watch it and see. Anyways, the film dragged with plenty of pointless scenes, and if you saw it with friends, half of them would have left halfway. Why? Well, because there's nothing interesting this film has going for it. The only cool thing was how developed the main character was. He wasn't a character you would latch onto though, so that sucks. So, basically, the film shows this character through out his whole life, which has been done right at times (Does Benjamin Button ring a bell?), but this doesn't really have enough depth and power to really suck you into the movie. Now, because you guys are probably wondering why I gave it 2 1/2 stars, there are a few reasons: 1. The main character is developed really well, and although is unlikable, it just makes him more realistic. 2. The sets are outstanding, with a real atmosphere to it. 3. The cinematography is awesome. 4. The children scenes are kinda entertaining. 5. The ending, although kinda stupid, makes you smile. But that's about it. You see, the bad things are really bad, and the few good scenes are really good. But the bad wins over the good here, but I'll be kind enough to call this at least "OK". I would recommend it to any fan of technical movie achievements, but if you're a story or character type of movie watcher (I consider myself a Character guy, that's why the main character was cool to me, but the others sucked.), you should probably skip it.


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