Friday 9 December 2011

Fantastic Mr. Fox Review

To explain how I felt about the movie, here are all the questions I asked myself during the movie, with not all of them being good. "Why is the animation so freaky?", "Why do they have so many close ups of the freaky animation?", "Why does Eric Anderson sound like Jesse Eisenberg?", "Are we really supposed to feel sorry for a rat that tries to kill 2 or 3 characters?", "Why does George Clooney's voice sound like sandpaper half the time?", "What's with those annoying subtitles?", "Why does the word cuss have to be used every two seconds?", and finally "Why is that horrible song with the kids chanting in this movie, let alone twice?". Even though there were even more questions that I didn't mention here, I did that so I could get to the point. After this movie was over, I was thinking about giving it a bad review, but then I thought "Hey, I think I like this movie!". I don't know if it was the clever jokes, the likable characters, or it's cheesy nature, but I knew that I wouldn't live with myself if I gave this a bad review. It's just.... likable. Sure, it has plenty of flaws, but aren't you forgetting the most important thing a movie can offer? Answer: Entertainment. So, if you want a movie with talking animals, creepy puppets, but something you and your kids can enjoy, I think you should rent this right away.


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