Thursday 8 December 2011

Brian's Song Review

If you even wanted a movie that didn't have any cliches or plot holes, just a straight forward story, this is for you. Now, before I say anything else, I'm not the biggest fan of football. I don't watch it that often, but if I had to pick my favorite teams, they would be the Atlanta Falcons and the Denver Broncos. I'm not that big a fan of the Bears, so you'll know this review won't be biased. It's still an undoubted classic. It has genuine feelings toward it, which is probably the reason it was only released on television, so it's impossible to say they only made it to make money, because the director and the company made little money with this film. Now, let's get the major things out of the way. The acting was superb, the story was great, the dialogue was outstanding, and the memorable qualities are thrown at you a mile a minute. To tell you the truth, I almost cried! The only movies I cried at were The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Gold Rush, and The Lion King, and this movie was almost added to that list. The friendship between the two main characters is done very well. The fight a lot, but when one of them get's in trouble, they help out one another. Sure, it's sappy, but it's realistic. The people act like how they should, and the emotions are well expressed. It's like I stepped into a time machine and watched the events unfold. It's brilliant. Another thing I liked was the way they portrayed racism. Not everyone in the movie is racist, but some still are, the way it was in the 70s. The black men were respected more, but still not as respected as white men. Well, I guess since this movie was MADE in the 70s, it's not much of a compliment, but recent films don't get that down, so it's nice to see a change in pace. Well, I don't think there's much else to say. Sure, there's a lot good with it, but since there's little bad about it, it would be stupid to just ramble on about what's good about this movie, so I'll just recommend it here. It's just an outstanding film with a lot of heart.


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