Friday 9 December 2011

I, Robot Review

If you're into the sort of action Sci-Fi thriller genre, this is for you. When I saw this movie at the rental store, I remembered that my cousin, Craig March, was a detective in the movie (If you want proof, look at the cast). Well, I couldn't find where my cousin was, even though I think it's the guy that get's his wrist broken by Will Smith, but even though I'm not certain he's in that scene, I still liked the movie. The story, the acting, and the cinematography were all amazing. My only real problem, and I think you'll agree, is that cliched, annoying, time wasting misunderstanding. You know, Will Smith makes a mistake, he gets criticized, he finds out something truthful but no one believes him, more things happen, he gets kicked off the detective squad, and he finally proves everyone wrong. That plot scheme makes the movie slow down and makes it completely not enjoyable. If that part of the plot didn't exist, I would give this movie 5 stars, but that's not happening, so 4 stars it is. The special effects are pretty amazing, even if it's obvious CGI at times, and the way they depict the future is actually pretty cool, even if it's a little corny at times. So, it all comes down to if I'll recommend it. Well, if you don't mind that stupid misunderstanding, buy it, but anyone else, a rent is probably what you should do.


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