Saturday 10 December 2011

The Fighter Review

Even though I could safely call this film overrated, it's still a great movie. It almost feels real, what with the dilemmas that go on within the family, and within the ring. Sure, it's no Rocky or On the Waterfront, but it's entirely unique and well executed. The story is that a boxer by the name of Mickey Ward (Yes, the real life famous boxer Mickey Ward) is a determined boxer who's always overshadowed by his half-brother, Dicky, who was an amazing boxer who's career was almost ruined because of drugs and crime. Now, Micky has to show that he's a good boxer after a string of losses by dominating in the ring. That's basically the plot of this film, and it's a basic story, and done well here. But enough of that, I bet you all want to know about what I thought of the acting, right? Well, I thought it was OK. It wasn't really anything special, but it wasn't horrible. Wahlberg was OK, but not memorable, Bale was good, but tended to overact at times, Adams was pretty good, but there wasn't much of her in my opinion, Leo did OK, and McGee also did OK, but no one really stood out to me. Everyone says the acting is so amazing, but I felt it wasn't the acting wasn't so good, but the characters and the dialogue that really made people believe the acting was great. Now, because it's been in a lot of my reviews, let's find out The Best and Worst of The Fighter. Now, for the best, I either had to go with the the characters or the cinematography, but I decided to pick the cinematography, as it was AWESOME in this film. It was laid back and cool for most of the film, and intense and direct during the boxing scenes. The cinematography was just really cool in this film. The worst thing about this movie... I really can't say. Nothing was bad. Sure, several stuff was mediocre, but definitely not bad. So, for the worst of this movie, I'll just say the worst is the hype. One more thing worth mentioning, if anyone knows of anymore good David O. Russell films, can you let me know? He did awesome. Overall. this was a great movie, but slightly overrated. I would recommend it to fans of past boxing movies, or fans of any of the actors.


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