Thursday 8 December 2011

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Movie) Review

The only Star Wars film I watched by today that was worse than this was the holiday special, and that's pretty bad. Well, it's not the worst film in the world, but it isn't good either. I mean, it has potential, but the only thing this movie does right is the action scenes, but the movie just talks down to kids so much, it's embarrassing. I mean seriously! This movie has all the cliches of a children's film, a girl doing whatever a boy can do, while still being sassy to her partner while doing it, a cute little baby animal that they take care of, a non-diabolical villain who doesn't have many clear motives, the villain lying to somebody to make the main characters hated, having all the main characters go out to clear daylight during a WAR and not even get shot, etc. It's like there trying to talk down to kids, while leaving the parents bored out of there mind. The don't develop the characters anymore then they were developed in other films, which was disappointing, since I hadn't watched the prequels yet, I wanted to see what Anakin was like before episode IV, but all I saw was blandness. Now, let's get to the good things. Firstly, Obi-Wan was kinda cool in this film, but not nearly as the characters in OTHER STAR WARS MOVIES. Secondly, the action scene were, dare I say it, epic. They just blew my mind, cause it was more violent than most kids movies. People got stabbed, shot, etc. Finally, the droids were really funny. My favorite scene was when the female villain pushes a droid off a cliff and he just screams "WHY!?!?". That made my day. Really, besides those cool things, there's not much else to say. It's cliched, it's childish, but luckily, the things they get right, they get really good. So, I'd only recommend it to the most obsessed Star Wars fan, and everyone else, it probably wont be worth your time.


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