Wednesday 7 December 2011

Megamind Review

Not as good as the 3 films nominated for Best Animated Feature, but heck, it's a comedy, and I enjoyed a lot of it. It had a couple of good jokes, and the characters were, for the most part, actually pretty good. MegaMind and Minion are pretty cool, Metro Man is pretty funny, but unfortunately, the rest fall flat. Roxanne had potential, but was just boringly sarcastic, and, even though she had a few good moments, was mostly just awkward and lame. Also, Tighten. I liked the idea a lot, that a guy who's supposed to be the hero uses the powers for greed, not even to take over the world, just cause he hates Roxanne, but the character is done horribly. Jonah Hill didn't do very good, his design is lame, and the character is just a plot device to turn MegaMind good. So, what's the story, you may ask. Well, MegaMind kills his arch nemesis (In a rather graphic scene for children, to say the least), which is weird, as MegaMind is a villain. So, he just decides to have some fun for a while, but when he starts to get bored, he tries to get another person to become a hero so MegaMind can be preoccupied again. That's the basic premise, which, although done once or twice before, was done pretty good in this movie too. Sure, it's not the best ever, but it's pretty enjoyable. So, now that we're done with story, let's move on to how it projects it's story. At times, I feel it's talking down to kids, while other times, it's talking to intelligently for any kid to understand. It was pretty much a mixed bag that brought down the movie at times. So, besides that, there isn't much more to say. Sure, the music's awesome, there isn't much supporting characters, and the acting was good, but none of that really affect the movie to much. Most of the movie is just focusing on the story and the characters, like a basic kids film would, and they do them pretty decently, not amazing, but not horrible. It's just an average kids film. If you can survive that, you might enjoy this movie. Anyone else stay away.


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