Thursday 8 December 2011

Who Killed The Electric Car? Review

This film could have been great, but after the first 20 or so minutes, it get's extremely repetitive and utterly pointless. Now, before you all throw temper tantrums, I don't hate this movie. In fact, I learned a lot, but the repetitive nature and drawn out scenes change this from an interesting film to a dull and lifeless one. Even Martin Sheen doesn't bring this movie to life with his narration, which was strange, I thought he would do a really awesome narration, but I guess not. A message to the creator: If you want people to learn a thing or two, make it interesting and always feed them new material. Don't just hammer the same junk in over and over again. Sure, it was cool seeing the electric cars, even if most of the shots were of them getting crushed, but, again, they just hammer that fact in that ELECTRIC CARS ARE BEING CRUSHED. You can explain and show it in about 5 or 6 minutes, but they keep telling you the exact same fact over and over again. Now, by this point, you're probably thinking this is one of the worst movies ever, but really, it's not. The facts are extremely interesting and you want to learn more about the topic, it's just the documentary drags on for to long with those same facts. Plus, at the end, they actually believe they discovered who killed the electric car. Nothing wrong with that, except the execution itself. They picked like 20 nominees from long and boring interviews, they take more long and boring interviews to discover who's innocent and who's not. This takes 20 minutes to show in the movie, and that's way to long to show all the people and things that are guilty and not. Why not just say who is responsible and who's not instead of having nominees and that. It just slow's the movie down even more and bores the viewer to death. So, after all of those complaints, do I recommend the movie? Well, if you're teaching a class of students, this would work as an informational movie, but only because the only thing it doesn't surpass in boredom is school. Everyone else, unless you're really interested in this kinda stuff, don't buy this one.


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