Thursday 8 December 2011

Spider-Man (Movie) Review

Have you ever seen a film that you really, really like, but it's to flawed to say so? That's this movie. It's heart felt, likable, and has plenty of effort put into it, but is very, VERY flawed. The special effects, the dialogue, the sensibility, the villain, all of these are done horribly, but the movie has an unbelievable charm to it. I guess the charm comes from a few things. Firstly, the character Peter Parker is done extremely well. He's a nerdy but likable young dude, and when he gets bitten by a rare spider, his life changes, mostly for the better. It shows how the superhero Spiderman embodies all of us, no matter how socially unpopular. Secondly, the romance. It's very realistic and both of the characters are likable. Mary Jane is one of the most popular and definitely the best looking of all of the girls in the school, and Peter Parker is nerdy, yet since there both kind, they're good friends, and almost boyfriend and girlfriend. It's bitter-sweet, but interesting. Thirdly, they don't rush the transformation into Spiderman, they just show Peter Parker's life for a while, and soon, he becomes Spiderman, and does all of his heroic stunts, but with a strategy. Finally, every actor leaves an impression, except maybe Willem Dafoe, which is weird, you'd expect him to be one of the best. Well, I explained the good things, now I got to explain the bad. The villain is probably the worst. He's unbelievably silly, stupid, and predictable. It's like a villain for a children's cartoon! Oh wait..... Never mind. The special effects are obviously CGI, but luckily, the other two movies, as I remember, had great CGI, so these special effects didn't drag down the other movies, but still. The dialogue was unrealistic and childish, but hey, that's a superhero film for you. Finally, the movie is very silly at times, and it dragged down the movie. With all of these flaws, I'd usually give a movie 2 stars or less, but this movie is special. It's incredibly enjoyable and fun. If you have a child or you don't mind silliness, this is a perfect movie for you. Rent it now.


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