Friday 9 December 2011

Flubber Review

When I saw this movie at 10:30 where I lived, I didn't expect much. I thought it was going to be a stupid movie with no redeeming factors, and I was half right. It sure is a weird plot, but what I think this movie done well was the characters. Robin Williams plays a likable an enjoyable professor, but his flaw is he focuses to much on his work, which leads to him missing his own wedding several times. He's flawed, but you don't hold a grudge as he's just a quirky man who makes a few mistakes. He's pretty funny as well, but the best way I can explain him is that he's a poor man's Doc Brown. But how about the future wife? Well, you feel bad for her as she loves the professor a lot, but she feels she could be with someone who cared more, and would actually SHOW UP to her wedding! She could be a jerk at times, but you understand her argument, and shes very likable as well. Next, you got Weebo, an invention created by the professor himself to keep him company at all times while working on experiments. All I can say is she's pretty cool, and I wouldn't mind having her replace my old IPod Touch. Finally, the villains. These are the characters this movie did wrong. They're like if Biff from Back to the Future wasn't funny or interesting, and that just leaves a cliched mess for villains. That was the good of the film. So, if I liked the characters the most, what didn't I like? Well, something that really brings the movie low is the way it talks down to kids. If seems like the movie thinks it has to act goofy and stupid for the kids to enjoy it. Now, when I was a kid, my two favorite movies were The Lion King (Which still holds up) and The Polar Express (Which didn't hold up as well). Those movies didn't act weird and stupid for the entire movie like this. They had enjoyable stories to keep you interested, even without very much strangeness or goofiness. This movie was to strange to enjoy very much. Everything else was a mix bag. The story was O.K, the acting was pretty good, and the comedy was good (Even though Robin Williams was the only person to make me laugh). I think kids might enjoy the movie, but not many grown-ups would. Overall, it was O.K. P.S There's a disturbing visual joke in the climax that would probably either frighten the young kids, or just entertain their sick minds. So, when you see the flubber enter the villain's mouth, get the kids out of the room, quickly.


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