Wednesday 7 December 2011

Spider-Man 3 Review

Sure, Spider-Man 3 the worst of the series, but does that mean it's entirely horrible? OK, this movie got the most votes on my poll of "Which movie should I review next" thing. So, here's my review: This is an entirely mediocre film. Not much great about it, but if you're a fan of Spider-Man, you might enjoy it. Well, because this movie has so much hatred toward it, I will talk about most of the things that people hate about it, and say whether I like it or not. First, the villains. Many people complain about the quantity of villains in this film, and how underdeveloped they were. Well, even though I agree that 3 villains was a little much, I didn't think they were THAT bad. There was a great villain, an average villain, and a really bad villain. The good one was The Sandman. Not only was the idea great itself, but the person behind him was great too. He wasn't evil by choice, he's basically a tragedy, which I thought was pretty cool. The average villain was Harry. Harry was a character I cared about, and even though the villain part wasn't that great, you really wanted him to end up OK, so I'll say he was decent. The horrible one was Venom. Venom is a great concept, but the character behind him sucked so much. No real point in him, just there to be the bad guy, which was so annoying. I think an easy solution would be leave Sandman and Harry, as well as the Black Suit, but leave Venom until the reboot. The second thing is "Emo Peter". I hate Emo Peter. Peter in the first two films was extremely likable and a great character. In this, he starts out good, but when he get's all Emo, it completely ruins the character for me. Also, the comedic relief with him dancing and all that pretty much sucks, especially that dance scene where Peter punched his girlfriend, that sucked too. The Solution, make Peter a lost soul, but don't get comedy from it. Finally, the plot lines. People say there are to many of them, and I agree. So much stuff happens, and most of them are forgotten by the end. Easy Solution, get rid of many of the plot lines to make it less confusing and annoying. Well, I talked about those flaws, and even though there are more, let's talk about the good things. Mary Jane is developed more, even though she's not as likable, when Peter isn't emo or evil, he can get very likable, I was glad to see the same actress for Aunt May, the head of the newspaper is just as funny as ever, and the special effects are really cool. Overall, it's definitely the worst of the series, but if you really loved #2 and you really want more, you might like this.


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