Thursday 8 December 2011

Babe Review

For a person who takes movies seriously, you must be wondering why I liked this film so much. I mean, it's talking farm animals! Actually, the director took a lot of time with this story, gave the characters personalities, good story, good animal acting, good human acting, good voice acting, etc. A lot of time and effort was put into this movie, and it shows. It has charm, yet some sensibility for the premise. I think it's biggest achievement was making the main characters likable, yet sensible animals. It makes the sad scenes more depressing, as we often feel sorry for animals smaller than us, as they cant defend themselves as well. It makes people engrossed in the story and want to continue on. That helps the movie on so many levels. One thing that I really feel I should discuss is the hatred for this film. Now, critics loved it. 98%, really. But users only had 54%. Why? Is it because it's childish? The Lion King was childish at times. Is it because it has talking animals? Again, The Lion King had the same. Seriously, any film that's silly still has potential, look at Forrest Gump! That was awesome, and so is this. The character of Babe is very likable, and the other characters are either funny, likable, or interesting, and that's how this movie succeeds. Sure, it's got cliches, and at times it talks down to kids, but most of the time, it's a fun, enjoyable movie for all ages. Overall, like I said, it's a great family film with little flaws and some nice, refreshing humor. It has it's flaws, like being silly a lot, and some teens might not enjoy it for that, but I'd say almost anyone else should see it. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's not horrible. Not even close.


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