Tuesday 6 December 2011

Best Picture Predictions

Well, it's that time of year again. The time we all make predictions about who'll win what Oscar, and half the time, our predictions aren't very accurate. I've seen people get their predictions close to the final result, while others really fail at predicting the nominees. But, since everyone else is doing it, might as well. So, here is my rankings of movies from Most likely to least likely to win the prestigious award:

1. The Descendants:
With it's great reception, cast, and story line, this is a shoe in for a least a nomination.

2. Moneyball:
Only thing holding it back is it being a sports film, but if "Field of Dreams" can snatch a nomination, this has a chance.

3. The Artist:
With great direction and and great reception, this should make a nomination, even though the only silent film to ever win Best Picture was "Wings" from 1927.

4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy:
Amazing reception, and with Colin Firth from last years Best Picture, "The Kings Speech", this has a good chance of a nomination.

5. Midnight in Paris:
Woody Allen and a plot like this equals a possible nomination.

6. Drive:
The Academy usually wouldn't accept a movie like this, but with the reception and direction, this has a shot.

7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2:
With suck outstanding reception and fanfare, this should probably get a nomination.

8. 50/50:
If "The Kids Are All Right" could have a comedy get nominated, this can too.

9. Win Win:
One of the earlier films of the year to have a chance at a nominee.

10. War Horse:
Could be cheesy, but heck, it's Steven Spielberg, it'll probably get a nomination.

11. Hugo:
Very well reviewed, and even though it probably won't WIN Best Picture, it could be nominated.

12. Warrior:
Not the best reviewed of the movies on the list, but it has enough good reviews to have a chance.

13. The Ides of March:
Either this or The Descendants will be nominated, but I'm guessing The Descendants will have the better chance.

14. Margin Call:
Got a good chance of being nominated if several predicted movies under perform.

15. A Separation:
Said to be one of the best of the year, but it being foreign really brings it down a notch.  

What movies do you think will be nominated or win?


  1. really good predictions you did :) i think Hugo have a chance too ..

  2. Yeah, Hugo will probably have a good chance, I'll have to consider including it, maybe it'll get 13th spot, who knows. :)
