Wednesday 7 December 2011

Black Swan Review

Black Swan tortured my mind. It made me think so hard I can never stop thinking about it, the camera work made me feel as if it were a dream, and the violence was extremely disturbing and nauseating... and I loved it. Sure, it made made me think more than "Inception", and two days after watching it, I thought about it to hard and almost threw up, I'm still a huge fan, though it lacks story. That's the only reason this didn't achieve 5 Stars, as the story is really simple and had little thought process involved, it's just a dancer who wants a role, but goes insane. This is how I think the thought process between Aronofsky and his film crew went down: Aronofsky: OK, I got this idea for a film. Film Crew Member: Sweet! What do you got? Aronofsky: OK, it's about a ballerina who want's a role in Swan Lake. Film Crew Member: Hasn't that been done to death? Aronofsky: Yeah, Yeah, but then the dancer goes insane and has hallucinations. Film Crew Member: You did that in Pi AND Requiem for a Dream. Aronofsky: Yeah, but this time, we'll get hot girls... How about Natalie Portman and the voice actress for Meg from Family Guy? Film Crew Member: Meg's ugly. Aronofsky: The voice actress ain't. Film Crew Member: Still, I have doubt, shouldn't we do something uplifting, maybe we could... Aronofsky: NO. Film Crew Member: FINE! Or something like that. Anyways, that basically explains the plot with little depth, but let's get to the good stuff. The acting was great, the characters were decent, and the dancing scenes were completely OUTSTANDING. They're reason enough to love this movie, they move with such grace, such emotion, such conflict, they're so amazing, I can watch just those dance scenes edited in a short film and give it 5 Stars, they're that amazing, but the story brings it down to 4 1/2. Even still, this movie is probably worthy of it's Best Picture nomination, even though it definitely didn't win for a reason, aside from the Oscar committee being as picky as a 14 year old action movie fanatic who doesn't like any movie that's more than 2 months old, or black and white, and his/her favorite movie is the second Transformers. Overall, it lacks story, but any film buff or horror fan will really enjoy it. I don't recommend it to the general public, as they'll have nightmares for weeks, but film buffs, Oscar fanatics like me, and horror fans should definitely check this out.


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