Friday 9 December 2011

Domestic Disturbance Review

This is actually kinda good, definitely not what I expected. It had the shock factor down, and the characters are pretty good. Unfortunately, it had it's fair share of flaws, mostly minor, but they're still flaws. First, the villain is kinda bland. They try to make him look like a guy who's just get's angry all the time, but for no reason (I would say it's autism gone wrong, but that's to cruel). Second, during the court case, the kid actually LIED saying it was just a joke. Why lie? If he's forced to tell the truth, and already has his dad on his side, why not just suggest to have parental guidance wherever he goes? Thirdly, if the kid keeps saying the man is a killer, why not look for evidence? Ask the kid where he did all of the stuff, and search for evidence. Well, instead of focusing on the best and worst things, I'll focus on the main stuff and see how this movie does. The story is actually good, and I like how for the most part, it's portrayed through the mind of a kid. The acting was pretty good, and the best actor was Vince Vaughn, it's to bad the writing sucked, making him sound bland. Finally, the cinematography is pretty good as well. It builds up tension and freaks you out. This is just a good movie. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want to watch a movie you know will be decent, I think this is a rent.


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