Friday 9 December 2011

Is 3D Worth the Extra Price? (Rant)

3D has been around for years and years, changing from a cheap gimmick, to what some people explain as a "Necessity for home and theater going audiences". Of course it sounds good on paper, making you feel as if you're "Immersed in the action" by having the picture literally explode out of the screen and right in front of your own eyes, but over the years, it's gained criticism. It has existed since the '50s, and it still has it's fair share of flaws. The original 3D involved a special type of glasses with red and blue colored lenses, which could produce 3D if the program or film is accessible to 3D use. These glasses were most popular from the 50's to the 80's, but some films following those years still used those type of glasses. Nowadays, 3D has several different forms, the most well known being IMAX, where you would go to the theater, pay extra, be given a different pair of glasses then mentioned above, and watch the movie in 3D. However, some companies taken 3D to whole new levels. A new portable game system, the "Nintendo 3DS" has 3D, but doesn't require glasses. But the big one has to be 3D TV's. 3D TV's have been very popular recently, with 3D Blu-rays being all the rage, and several TV shows taking several minutes of their time to film several scenes in 3D for the buyers. All these advertisements and 3D viewings can kinda make you feel kinda out of the times, so you're probably considering buying a 3D TV, or spending $20 just to get a movie ticket IMAX, but is it really worth it? My final verdict is no. Why no? Several reasons. First, most movie's have mediocre to horrible 3D. Let me give you the names of 3 films: Avatar, How to Train your Dragon, and The Polar Express. What's so special about these films? These are the 3 movies with the most critically acclaimed 3D in the film. I have not seen any other film that has critically acclaimed 3D other then these 3. You can't just watch an IMAX film and expect the 3D to be good every time, 3D has to be perfect to not feel like a gimmick, and rarely is that ever done in film. Second, less and less people are buying into 3D products. Sure, the Nintendo 3DS is going strong, but most people don't buy into the expensive televisions or IMAX tickets, so you should probably wait until the possible fad either dies out, or the prices lower. Finally, what's the point? Besides 3D Blu Ray's and the occasional TV special, it's not like you'll have any use for the 3D. As for IMAX, is it worth an extra $20 just to see the picture pop out at you? I don't think so. Overall, I don't think 3D is worth all that extra money. I feel 3D is still in it's early stages, and needs time to grow. It was begun in the 50s, way to early for this type of technology, and took 30 years just to have a major advancement. So, if you're considering getting a 3D TV, or going to a 3D movie, save your money and go standard. 


  1. Couldn't agree with you more !!!! :)

  2. :D Yeah because you can save $20 bucks off an IMAX ticket and go buy 2 or 3 DVD's, so what's the point? It's OK once in a while, but you'll save a lot of money just buy staying with regular TV's and movie theaters.
