Friday 9 December 2011

The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers Review

Who would've thought that a great movie would be a huge letdown? That's exactly what I thought of The Two Towers. The first film, The Fellowship of the Ring, was one of my favorite films of all time. Each scene had a major reasoning for being there, and you can tell each scene had a lot of care and heart put towards it. This movie doesn't have that feel to it. Sure, it continues the story rather well, but as a sequel to one of the greatest films of all time, it falls flat. I guess my biggest flaw with it is doesn't take itself seriously as much as the first film. Gollum is not very likable or serious, the dialogue is not always intriguing, the action is unrealistic and not as brutal as you might expect, every actor looks as if they want all the cameras focused on them, and the first couple minutes are more epic then the rest of the film, even though it's a flashback. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why'd you give the film 3 1/2 stars even though you have so much complaints to it"? Well, because it's an enjoyable adventure. It's flawed, but it has heart. The acting isn't the best, but they get the job done. It may not be as good as the first, but it's a great movie in it's own right. There's so many bad things, yet there's plenty of good things to even out the score. It's just a flawed, but still great film. Now, for the best thing, well, besides the story, and that would be the special effects, which were even better than the first film, and you feel as if you were transported to middle-earth itself. The only bad thing about the special effects is they upstage everything else, but luckily the effects are subtle, so it doesn't upstage the story. If you liked the first film, I really have no idea what you'll think of this. I thought it was pretty good, but other people thought it was a masterpiece. I guess I'll recommend it if you liked the first, but don't be surprised if it's not as good.


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