Friday 9 December 2011

Jurassic Park Review

This is a great film, it has some flaws, but it's an enjoyable experience. It's funny cause I would have gave this film four stars, but the special effects are so groundbreaking and amazing, I had to give an extra half star. I'm serious, this had the best special effects in history until 2010, when two films actually surpassed it, Inception and Tron: Legacy. Every thing else was pretty great too. The acting, the story, and the experience itself were pretty great. There are some flaws too, there minor, but there still flaws. First, I didn't care much for the kids, as they were just annoying. They also don't have much of a likable personality. Secondly, it didn't feel very much like an adventure. It's main genre is adventure, but didn't feel much like something I would like to go on hundreds of times, like Raiders of the Lost Ark or Last Crusade, two other Spielberg films. Finally, if you're more of an adult, you wouldn't like this as much as if you were a kid. I don't know, I guess it feels more huge to the kid side of me then it does to the teen side. Other than that, it's still a great film, which was extremely interesting, especially with you actually learning about the dinosaurs during the movie, which was pretty cool, especially how subtle it is. Overall, I'd say buy it if you can.


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