Thursday 8 December 2011

The English Patient Review

This is a film that probably shouldn't have won best picture, but I'm not mad that it did. The characters are cool, the romance is nice, and it's cool to see the man's back story while on the verge of dying. The story is simple: A man get's in a plane crash, is brought to a hospital, and a Canadian nurse learns about his past from his memory. Simple and great. However, this is not the perfect film everyone makes it out to be, as it has several huge flaws. I think the most notable flaw is it often bores the audience, mostly because nothing important happens for a while, with little action scenes, little character development for supporting characters, plenty of pointless scenes, often lousy editing, etc. Secondly, often it looks like it wants an Oscar. Even though a film want's an Oscar, they often don't show it in the actual movie, but this does. The music, the dialogue, it's all good at times, but it looks as if they tried to hard to earn an Oscar or two, but ended up winning 9. The last flaw worth mentioning is, like I said before, this whole film is based around World War 2, yet there are little action scenes! God, the main thing about this movie is the main characters plane gets shot down, so why not? I guess the reasoning is that World War 2 is already over, but somebody said around the beginning of the film said "World War 2 isn't over everywhere", so if the only action scenes are an airplane getting shot down and a jeep blowing up, don't make World War 2 your main topic! Look, movie, you can still have grace and action scenes, so try to have both next time, OK? Anyways, it's still a pretty good movie that tries to be great. But seriously, I think that's it's major downfall. Sure, showing that you're trying to be epic in a movie can work, look at Titanic, but it didn't improve this movie at all. As much as I've been complaining about this film, I enjoyed watching it. Sure, it had plenty of flaws, but it actually does feel epic at times, but not for the entire movie. Overall, it's a good chick flick. I would recommend it to most females, as well as most movie buffs (Especially female movie buffs!).


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