Friday 9 December 2011

Tapped (2009) Review

Every review of this movie I've seen at least had "You will never drink bottled water again". I didn't think of it that much because Super Size Me's reviews said "You'll never eat McDonalds again", yet I ate McDonalds a couple of times since then. I decided to watch this anyways, and let me just say I probably wont drink bottled water again for a long time. It shows the unhealthy content of many beverages, mostly Nestle, Coca Cola, and Pepsi, as well as the damage the water bottles and soda cans can do to our planet. It is very informative and unique, so it has a refreshing feel to it, and you want to learn more, even after the credits. Actually, the thing that affected me the most about this movie was the credits. Let me explain, the movie shows pollution and smoke from smokestacks to make water (This is about halfway through the movie). Then, they interview several people that live near the smokestacks, and you can see two that are deathly ill. So, when the credits popped up, I decided to see if there were anything after the credits, so I used the slider feature I had on Netflix to see if there were upcoming scenes, and although there was no scenes, there was a picture. It said R.I.P and had a picture of one of the guys they interviewed that was deathly ill. So, what they meant was that man was so ill from the toxins, HE DIED! I couldn't believe it. No review on Flixster, RottonTomatoes, or IMDb mentioned this once. I felt so bad, I'm still depressed, even while writing this review! Now, for the bad things of this movie, hmmm.... Well, I guess it seemed a little biased and it demonized the people that didn't agree with them. Besides that though, I can't think of much. Sure, there were small problems, but that did little to nothing to affect what I thought of this movie. If you like documentaries, I think you'll enjoy it.


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