Thursday 8 December 2011

Chocolat Review

This is a nice and gentle movie that anyone can enjoy, except for one detail, but we'll get to that later. The acting is pretty good, the story is nice, and the main character comes across as a very likable woman who can take care of herself, as well as others (That should be the main attribute to every main character that's a girl, except in other movies, that same girl is ungodly annoying, bugging the man out of his mind). The main character opens a chocolate shop and many customers come by, and they end up being the supporting characters, which, in itself is unique, but a romance blooms when she meets Roux, who, let's be honest, is not very interesting. We don't know much about him, and he just seems like a plot device to get the story going. Now, I could survive Roux, as he seems like an OK character, even though he's uninteresting, undeveloped, and since I'm a guy, unattractive, but what I couldn't survive in this movie was the second half. Good God, was it awful! The first half was cheery and delightful, and the second half is just downright sinister, leaving the viewer confused and annoyed. It's depressing as it is horrible. The worst scene is when the old lady *SPOILER!* actually dies from the chocolate she ate, as she had diabetes. *END OF SPOILER!* Why would anyone put that in a film that's first half was so enjoyable and fun? Now, I don't mind dark stuff, like Johnny got his Gun, that was the darkest movie of all time, but don't make the dark stuff unexpected, as well as after the movie showed it was just going to be about a nice little chocolate shop, that just ruins the movie for me and many others. Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Booklover, you liked Titanic, and that threw in a dark second half, so why did you like Titanic"? Well, simple. Titanic was a true story. THIS IS FICTION! If I could give this movie one piece of advice, it would be to either make the entire movie about the chocolate shop, or throw in the dark stuff earlier, so the story is more clear and the audience might still be interested in your movie! *Breaths* Well, besides that horrible twist in the second half, as well as Roux, I can't find much flaws with this movie. Sure, the second half sucked, but the first half was delightfully relaxing, which was the first time I felt that way while watching a movie. The dialogue, what can I say, outstanding. It was like these people were actually having a spot on conversation instead of reciting lines. So, overall, it may have a bad second half, but the first half was outstanding. I'd recommend it to females, and guys that don't mind watching a chick flick, but if you're one of those people, only watch if you're aware if the crummy and depressing second half, and are prepared. A flawed, but enjoyable little film.


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