Thursday 8 December 2011

X-Men (Movie) Review

This is definitely one of my favorite action films yet. Everything is done well, with little plot holes and plenty of development for both story and characters. I think two things really help propel it past most other superhero films. The first is the characters. Everyone has a good personality, good development, and good powers. The only one I really don't like is Storm, and not for the reason you're thinking. I don't like Storm because of her powers. It's not a big complaint as she had those powers in the comics (Which I actually got my hands on a recent release of one, and let me just say, it's awesome), the animated TV show, and the video games, but it really annoyed me. The other thing that makes this film awesome is the cinematography. The editing, the camera shots, the shadows, they all looked AMAZING. Also, the special effects were great, the story moved along nicely, and the acting was pretty good. It has it's fair share of problems though. Probably the one that annoyed me the most was the comedic relief. Every once in a while, the movie tried to throw some cheap jokes at us, which almost NEVER worked. The only one I chuckled at was when Wolverine retracted all his claws except for his middle one, but even then, everyone in the movie was laughing like crazy. Another flaw was it's very silly nowadays. Back then it probably wasn't that silly, but now, it's really goofy. The final flaw worth mentioning is the rating itself, and this goes for the Spider-man trilogy too. Kids love superheros, and the only reason these films get rated PG-13 is because of violence and cursing (Well, Spider-Man had little cursing, but still). So, tone down the violence a little bit, while still making it fun, and curse less, as it's just pointless. I won't add Batman to the list because ever since 1989, Batman has been extremely dark, and kids would probably need a parent just to read the comics, so I understand the PG-13 rating there, but this is X-Men! It's not dark, it had a really cool yet extremely light-hearted kids cartoon show, so whats with the PG-13? Oh well, I still love the movie. Overall; it's one of the best of 2000. Recommended to people who like superheros and/or a good, but a little goofy, story.


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