Wednesday 7 December 2011

Ghostbusters (Movie) Review

This is a funny, funny film. It has a great cast, some great characters, and a pretty unique premise. So, with this praise, why did I rate this film only 4 stars? Let me explain. First of all, there is nothing happening in the first 30 minutes. It's just the characters talking, and sure, the characters are great, but I don't believe they can hold up the movie by themselves. Also, the dialogue isn't very good at those times. Sure, the lines are AWESOME when meant to be comedic, but when the characters are just being serious and not doing much, it bores me very quickly. The other thing that really annoyed me are some of the jokes, mostly in the first half. Sure, they were really funny back then, but nowadays, you'd find these jokes on lower class sitcoms! I don't know, I guess the jokes seem really overused and dated. Now, even though I hated those jokes, the dialogue in the second half is just awesome. Every line uttered in that second half made me roll over with laughter, not just for the dialogue itself, but the delivery and timing just make it really enjoyable. Now, we got the comedy out of the way, let's get to the story, which in my opinion, was bittersweet. It was pretty unique, but it was a little to silly to be transferred from TV to the Big Screen. Even so, it's still an enjoyable story, but still, it's pretty silly. Now, let's talk about the characters, and they were pretty awesome, I must say. They're funny, sometimes interesting, and they have a decent amount of charm to them, enough to make them likable. Not much else to say about them, so just be sure to check out the movie to see them. So, besides a below amazing score, did I like this movie? Yeah, I liked it a lot, it's some great comedy and great characters. Give it a watch if you want to laugh.


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