Thursday 8 December 2011

Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster Review

A great and simple story, memorable scenes, more developed characters, and even better action scenes propel this above the first movie. Almost everything is improved above the first movie, which is a tough feat to accomplish, as the first film was an awesome martial arts classic. The only reason people give it horrible reviews is because the second half resembles Rocky 4, but I liked Rocky 4, and even so, this has a better story and better cinematography than Rocky 4, so if you didn't like that movie, that doesn't mean you'll hate this. The biggest flaw to me was, again, several characters aren't developed enough, the two examples are "The Twister" and Ip Mans wife. besides that though, it's a great time, with using real objects in action scenes instead of punching and kicking, having Ip Man actually get knocked down, which never happened except when he *SPOILER FOR FIRST MOVIE!!!* got shot at the end of the first movie. *END OF SPOILER*, and having several likable supporting characters, who are developed well, which was lacked in the first film. The story is pretty good, even though the second half is a copy of Rocky 4, it's still done better, the fighting scenes are again the best thing ever, and done even better in this film, with different tricks to the fights, like stay on the table, don't use your legs, or my favorite, "Anything Goes", as it keeps the fights interesting and keeps you on the edge of your seat, and you always want to see Ip Man win, as he is an awesome character. The last thing I should mention that I loved was it constantly had fight, after fight after fight, yet can still keep a great story, just like the first film. Overall, it's better than the first, and it's a LOT of fun. Many people would only watch this for the action, but they would be missing out on a lot. I would recommend it to everyone, except for people who hate martial arts films. Definitely one of the many great films of 2010.


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